Monday, November 3, 2008

Introduction to PB WIKI Beating the Challenge of Combo Classes

Dear World Language Teachers,

I am a German teacher and like many of you I am my own department. One of the challenges we face at the upper levels is that we often have combo classes of two or even more levels in the same class. When I started using my wiki things became easier for me as I can set up lessons, standards and acitivities for my upper level students and they can work independently while I teach the other group of students.
Here is a very interesting and practical way to teach our upper level students:
I discovered PB Wiki through one of my classes in the Masters in Technology in Education program through Lesley University. It takes a little time to set up but is well worth having. I have been using FRAU BELL'S WIKI with my Level 3 / 5 combo class. It is a constant work in progress where I change and post assignements for my students. The beauty of a wiki is that it is interactive and that the students who have your permission can post their work, questions, presentation or comments on this interactive virtual portfolio.

You can GET STARTED HERE and take a look around. The PB wikis are very easy to build and modify and are free.

There are set ups for individuals, businesses and many very creative ideas and templates for teachers. Take a look at the TEACHER WIKIS

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